Is Your Child’s Constipation a Sign of a Bigger Issue?

Constipation is common in kids, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal. If your child struggles with infrequent bowel movements, bloating or tummy troubles, it could be a sign that something deeper is going on.

What’s really causing your child’s constipation?

There are several causes of constipation, including:

  • Spinal misalignments and nervous system stress – The nervous system controls digestion, including how the intestines contract to move waste through the body. If there’s misalignment in the spine, especially the lower back or sacrum, nerve function can be disrupted, slowing digestion and causing constipation. Gentle chiropractic adjustments can restore proper function and help things move smoothly again.
  • Gut dysbiosis and imbalance – The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that help digest food and keep bowel movements regular. An imbalance in gut bacteria (too many bad bacteria, not enough good) can lead to bloating, sluggish digestion and constipation. Muscle testing, GI mapping, stool samples and other diagnostic tests can help uncover gut imbalances that may be affecting your child’s digestion.
  • Parasites and environmental toxins – Many parents don’t realize that hidden infections and toxic overload can cause constipation, stomach pain and digestive dysfunction. Parasites, heavy metals and environmental toxins can all play a role in gut health. If your child struggles with chronic tummy issues, teeth grinding, skin rashes or mood changes, it may be worth exploring a gentle detox protocol.
  • Food sensitivities and chronic inflammation – Certain foods, especially those containing gluten, dairy, artificial dyes and processed ingredients, can trigger inflammation in the gut, leading to digestive issues like constipation, bloating or even diarrhea. Eliminating common irritants and supporting gut healing can help relieve discomfort and improve digestion.

How we can help

At Pott. County Sports & Family Chiropractic, we do more than just treat symptoms—we focus on finding the root cause of your child’s constipation so they can feel their best.

✔️ Chiropractic adjustments to improve nerve function and digestion
✔️ Functional medicine, muscle testing and symptom surveys to identify gut imbalances, food sensitivities or toxic overload
✔️ Lab testing, such as blood work, stool samples and GI mapping to get deeper insights into what’s going on internally
✔️ Holistic treatment plans that may include chiropractic care, dietary changes and natural remedies for better digestion

If your child is struggling with constipation, bloating or unexplained tummy troubles, let’s get to the bottom of it. Book an appointment today.

Steam vs. Sauna Therapy – Which is Better For You?

In the pursuit of optimal health and well-being, the benefits of heat therapy are undeniable. From promoting relaxation to detoxification, heat therapy has been embraced for centuries as a natural way to support the body’s healing processes.

However, when it comes to heat therapy, two popular options often come to mind: steam rooms and saunas. But which one reigns supreme? Let’s explore the differences between steam and sauna therapy and why sauna therapy, especially when coupled with red light therapy and higher temperatures, may offer superior benefits.

Steam Therapy: A Moist Retreat

Steam rooms, characterized by high humidity levels and steam-filled environments, offer a unique therapeutic experience. As you enter a steam room, the moist heat envelops your body, inducing sweat and promoting relaxation. Steam therapy is celebrated for its ability to open up the pores, cleanse the skin and provide relief for respiratory conditions like congestion and allergies.

However, while steam therapy boasts its own set of benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with respiratory issues or cardiovascular concerns may find the high humidity levels overwhelming, leading to discomfort or exacerbation of symptoms. Additionally, steam rooms can harbor bacteria and mold if not properly maintained, posing potential health risks for users.

Sauna Therapy: Harnessing Dry Heat

On the other hand, sauna therapy harnesses dry heat to promote sweating and detoxification. Saunas, typically heated with wood, electric heaters or infrared technology, offer a rejuvenating experience that penetrates deep into the body’s tissues. Unlike steam rooms, saunas provide a dry heat environment, allowing for higher temperatures without the discomfort of excessive humidity.

Sauna therapy is renowned for its myriad health benefits, including:

  • Improved circulation
  • Stress reduction
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Enhanced detoxification

The dry heat of saunas encourages the body to sweat profusely, flushing out toxins and impurities through the skin. Additionally, saunas have been associated with cardiovascular benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and improved vascular function.

Why Sauna Therapy Reigns Supreme

While both steam and sauna therapy offer valuable therapeutic benefits, sauna therapy, especially when combined with red light therapy and higher temperatures exceeding 200 degrees Fahrenheit, may offer distinct advantages. Red light therapy, often integrated into sauna sessions, stimulates cellular regeneration and enhances skin health, amplifying the rejuvenating effects of heat therapy. Moreover, the intense heat of saunas promotes deeper detoxification and relaxation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking holistic wellness and vitality.

When it comes to heat therapy, the choice between steam and sauna therapy ultimately boils down to personal preference and individual health needs. While steam rooms offer a moist retreat with unique skin and respiratory benefits, sauna therapy, particularly when coupled with red light therapy and higher temperatures, may offer superior detoxification, relaxation and overall well-being. Whichever option you choose, incorporating heat therapy into your wellness routine can be a transformative journey toward optimal health and vitality.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a free 10-minute functional medicine phone consultation.

Understanding Adrenal Fatigue and Thyroid Dysfunction: Signs, Symptoms and Solutions

Adrenal fatigue and thyroid dysfunction are two common conditions that can significantly impact your well-being. Recognizing the signs and symptoms is crucial for seeking appropriate care and support. Here’s what you need to know:

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

  1. Chronic fatigue – Feeling exhausted even after a full night’s sleep
  2. Difficulty sleeping – Trouble falling asleep or waking frequently
  3. Stress and anxiety – Heightened feelings of stress, anxiety or overwhelm
  4. Brain fog – Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  5. Cravings – Intense cravings for salty or sweet foods
  6. Low immunity – Frequent illnesses or slow recovery from infections
  7. Weight gain – Especially around the abdomen
  8. Digestive issues – Such as bloating or constipation
  9. Low Blood Pressure – Feeling lightheaded when standing up quickly

Thyroid Dysfunction Symptoms

  1. Fatigue – Persistent tiredness despite adequate rest
  2. Weight changes – Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  3. Temperature sensitivity – Feeling cold or hot when others are comfortable
  4. Hair and skin changes – Dry skin, hair loss, or brittle nails
  5. Mood changes – Mood swings, irritability, or depression
  6. Menstrual changes – Irregular or heavy periods
  7. Muscle and joint pain – Aches, pains, or stiffness
  8. Digestive issues – Such as constipation
  9. Hoarse voice – Unexplained changes in vocal tone


If you suspect adrenal fatigue or thyroid issues are impacting your quality of life, consider scheduling a functional medicine consultation. Through advanced diagnostic techniques and biofeedback, we can help you identify the underlying factors contributing to your symptoms and develop a personalized plan for your journey to optimal health.

Five Ways to Detox Your Lymphatic System Naturally

Experiencing chronic headaches or joint pain? It could be a sign of poor lymphatic drainage.

The lymphatic system is a network of organs, vessels and tissues that drain fluid from your body. (Your glymphatic system, which is the interface between your brain and body, is also part of this system.)

If your lymphatic system gets backed up, it can lead to swelling and inflammation as well as a slew of other issues:

  • Bloating
  • Brain fog
  • Cellulite
  • Chronic headaches
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Congestion
  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Excessive sweating
  • Mucus and phlegm production
  • Painful and hard swellings (especially in armpits, groin area and neck)
  • Puffy or swollen eyes
  • Sluggishness
  • Stiff or painful joints
  • Swollen ankles

Five natural ways to promote lymph detox:

  1. Exercise — Working out gets your circulation going, which promotes the flow of lymphatic fluid.
  2. Hydration — Drinking plenty of clean water helps keep lymph moving throughout your body. (BONUS: Add a squirt of lemon juice + rind as an all-around lymph detoxer. Sip on it throughout the day. It’ll get bile moving, too!)
  3. Lymph massage — This gentle massage technique helps encourage movement of lymph around the body.
  4. Dry brushing — Dry brushing is another natural massage technique that helps move lymph since it exfoliates the skin by increasing circulation.
  5. Natural herbs — Supporting the body with certain herbs can help the lymphatic system drain effectively.

It’s clear to see why lymphatic drainage is essential. When your pipes get clogged, it’s vital to de-block the plumbing as quickly as possible. Need help? Book a functional med consult today, or contact us to learn more.

Three Mistakes People Make When Detoxing

Photo of health supplements background

Detox is a trendy term, and “cleansing” regimens abound. But many people go about it the wrong way, leaving them feeling worse than when they started.

Three common detox mistakes:

  1. Not supporting drainage pathways – It’s crucial to support the body’s detox pathways first to help effectively remove toxins from the body.
  2. Not taking a binder – Without binders, it’s possible for toxins to recirculate and accumulate to lethal levels.
  3. Not working with a functional med provider – It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner who can help manage your symptoms safely.

Interested in learning how to detox safely and effectively to reduce your body burden? Reach out! We offer a variety of comprehensive and functional testing options to identify underlying health issues. We’ll use the information we uncover to create a customized treatment plan and get you on the road toward better health.

Check out our “functional med” highlight on instagram for more tips like this.

7 Strategies to Support Your Body During the Full Moon

Friday is a full moon. If you’ve been feeling under the weather recently, you’re not alone.

During the full moon, serotonin levels increase. Parasites thrive on serotonin and use it to move more freely throughout the body.

This can cause an increase in symptoms like:

✔️Increased muscle / joint pain
✔️Difficulty falling / staying asleep
✔️Increased fatigue
✔️Migraines headaches
✔️Heart palpitations
✔️Feeling depressed / anxious
✔️Uncontrollable cravings
✔️GI issues
✔️Acne flare ups and skin issues
✔️Teeth grinding / sore jaws
✔️Rectal itching

The strategies above can help support your body naturally during this time. Like + save this to refer back later.

Interested in doing a parasite cleanse? Schedule a functional med consultation.

Six Symptoms of Mold Toxicity

Mold exposure may be affecting your health without you even realizing it.

Possible signs of mold toxicity include:

  • Chronic fatigue and brain fog
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Asthma and breathing problems
  • Anxiety of trouble sleeping
  • Digestive issues

Mold toxicity can appear differently in everyone, and it is often hard to detect. As a result, people with mold toxicity are commonly misdiagnosed with respiratory issues, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease/dementia, irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, crohn’s and colitis.

Some hidden sources of mold include:

  • Mattresses
  • Air conditioning units
  • Toilets and showers
  • Fruit
  • Coffee
  • Grains
  • Corn

If you have a chronic health condition you can’t solve, it may be a good idea to get tested for mold exposure. (Psst! This is something I can test for — and help you detox from — right here in our clinic. Reach out to learn more.)

How do Xenoestrogens Impact Your Health?

It doesn’t take much to throw off your hormones, and xenoestrogens can be the tipping point.

Xenoestrogens are endocrine disrupting chemicals that impact your ability to excrete estrogen, increasing your risk of other health problems like:

  • Cancer
  • Infertility
  • Low progesterone, low testosterone
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid dysfunction

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from estrogen dominance caused by prolonged exposure to xenoestrogens:

  • Depression
  • Low libido/sex drive
  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Tender/fibrocystic breasts
  • Weight gain

In addition to switching out your personal care and cleaning products for safer alternatives, kidney and liver detoxes (like the ones available through my clinic) can help rid your body of harmful xenoestrogens.

Interested in learning how to safely detox your body from harmful chemicals? Reach out. I’d love to help!

Is Glyphosate Impacting Your Health?

Chances are you have a substantial amount of toxic glyphosate in your body.

Glyphosate is a herbicide used to kill weeds. It has also been linked to serious health issues like:

  • Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Mitochondrial DNA damage

Sadly, glyphosate is hard to avoid given how often it’s used. Foods associated with the highest levels of glyphosate include:

  • Non-organic fruits and vegetables
  • Corn-based products
  • Soy-based products
  • Bread and baked goods
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Processed food
  • Seed oils like vegetable/canola oil

Organic farming prohibits the use of glyphosate, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any glyphosate residue on your food. Plus, you can still be exposed to glyphosate through your skin and particles in the air.

If you’re struggling with any of the conditions above, it may be worth considering getting tested for glyphosate toxicity. This is something I can do right here in my clinic. Reach out if you’re interested in learning more.

What’s In Your Tap Water?

Years ago my wife and I had our tap water tested, and what we learned will surprise you…

The rep told us our water was technically considered “safe” by our city’s standards, but it certainly wasn’t clean by any means…

The reality is there’s an increasing number of toxins in our water supply. The vast majority of these chemicals are not regulated, so even when the government says your water is “safe,” it can still contain harmful contaminants. In fact, many U.S. cities have chemicals in their water supplies that exceed established health guidelines.

So, what can you do to reduce your toxic load?

  1. Assess your body’s toxic burden — If your water is toxic, it’s going to be difficult to achieve optimal health. Toxins can overwhelm your liver and get stored in your fat cells and brain, which can lead to a whole slew of health problems. That’s why I recommend regular muscle testing, blood work and/or urine samples to assess your body’s toxic load. Then, you can invest in a targeted functional medicine detox to clean up your body.
  2. Invest in a clean water system — One of the best ways to reduce toxic exposure is to ensure you have clean water in your home. In our house, we not only have a water softener and RO system, but we also invested in a distiller for our drinking water.

Distillation is the most effective process for purifying water. It removes 99.9% of contaminants. Essentially, the process adds heat to tap water, turning it into water vapor and leaving any junk behind in the boiling chamber. Then, the pure water vapor rises and is moved into a separate chamber where it’s cooled back into liquid.

Have you had your tap water tested? What type of clean water system does your family use? Comment below to share your thoughts.

Contact us to schedule a functional medicine consultation today.